Agricultural Day

Agriculture Day Overview Parent Information Sheet

Agriculture Day is an important part of the Kairanga School calendar and is held annually in term 4. This is an outline of our school Indoor Exhibits and Agricultural Day especially for those new to Kairanga. The details in the information below could differ slightly to events on the day. Any changes to this information will be communicated through the newsletter and FaceBook page.

Indoor Exhibits 

  • Indoor Exhibits run in conjunction with our Kairanga Agricultural Day. Exhibits are viewed throughout Ag Day in the Kairanga Community Hall.
  • Students create themed exhibits which include a focus on flowers and a mix of traditional and original craft.
  • Each year group creates 3 entries, some may be made prior to the day. Seniors have extra options.
  • The ‘fresh’ exhibits are created in classrooms between 9am -11am on Friday. 
  • Members of the Kairanga CWI and specialists, judge the entries from 11am on the Friday. Certificates are displayed next to items. (These results are revealed on Agriculture Day)
  • We encourage parents to support our day by offering their time, if teachers need support in their classrooms.  Please note that you will not be able to provide support in your own child’s class.
  • Exhibits vary between classes and there may be a small contribution to offset costs.
  • Information outlining students exhibits and items needed will be shared through a class note or Seesaw post at the end of term 3.
    Agricultural Day  
  • There will be Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons for each section and age bracket where there are enough entrants for the class.  Typically this would be 4 entrants.
  • Age groups may be combined to create a class where entrants are less than 4. 
  • Where we do not have enough entries to run a class or cannot combine exhibitors to create a class, we will endeavour to support students to participate in the day.  This enables them to represent the school at the Manawatu Oroua Boys and Girls inter school event at Rongotea Domain. This will allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in preparing an animal for competition to a designated judge. The main point of difference is that we would not be able to have championship ribbons or a winner for this event.
  • Animals can be born between 1st July and 15th September. There are Junior, Intermediate and Senior rings for the lambs and calves. Calves are divided into Dairy (light and heavy) and Beef sections. Goats are judged across age groups unless there are a large number of entries, in which case these could be split.
  •  All Yr 5-8s must complete a diary that outlines their journey with their pet, with such information as feeding times and amounts, breed information and regular entries reflecting on your animal and its characteristics. Although presentation does have an impact, the most important aspect of the diary is the quality and frequency of entries. This is optional for Yr 1-4s, but there is a competition for them.


Lambs are presented at Agricultural Day in a natural state, meaning they can not be washed. They may be brushed only. It is encouraged that your lamb is docked, but not crutched. Often Totally Vets will offer vaccinations free to students and will also dock your lamb if needed. Lambs will be competing in the following classes

  • Leading – Lambs are led as a group and individually. There should be limited pressure on the lead and lambs should walk at your hip.
  • Calling – Lambs will be held by the steward approximately 5-10 metres away and they will be released when the owner starts calling them.
  • Care and Attention – Judges are looking for clean and healthy animals and will talk to exhibitors about their lamb. Be prepared to answer questions about the breed, age, amount being fed etc.


Calves are presented in a clean state and must be NAIT tagged for movement to Agricultural Day. Calves will be scanned on the day. Due to the threat of M.bovis, contact between calves will be limited and managed on the day following recommendations from the Manawatu Oroua Boys and Girls Club.

  • Leading – Calves are led as a group and individually. There should be limited pressure on the lead and calves should walk at your hip.
  • Dairy/Beef type – Judged on suitability for either industry.
  • Calves must be transferred to the Kairanga School NAIT number in advance for the day (12662166)
  • Care and Attention – Judges are looking for clean and healthy animals and will talk to exhibitors about their calf. Be prepared to answer questions about the breed, age, amount being fed etc.


Goats are to be presented in a clean state. They may be dehorned if preferred. Goats will be competing in the following classes

  • Leading – Goats are led as a group, then individually. There should be limited pressure on the lead and goats should walk at your hip.
  • Calling – Goats will be required to go directly to their owner when called. They will be held approximately 5-10 metres away to be released when their owner starts calling them.
  • Care and Attention – Judges are looking for clean and healthy animals and will talk to exhibitors about their goats. Be prepared to answer questions about the breed, age, amount being fed etc. 


Please direct indoor exhibit creation questions to your child’s classroom teacher. 

Other inquiries relating to animals and judging need to be directed to our office manager.