The staff and I have been very busy preparing for the start of distance learning this Wednesday. As with our classroom learning, distance learning will be tailored to the students learning needs, previous experiences and interests. Our teachers will be using familiar teaching tools and preferences for delivering the curriculum while also adapting these slightly for our new distance model. You can expect that learning will look different from each teacher and look to enable flexibility and student led learning. As we recognise your home learning environment will be varied, with competing demands for time, resources and varying speeds of connectivity. This is also the same in our teachers homes.
Like you this is still very new to us and the model will continue to evolve and adapt as we find better ways to support learning and an inquiry mindset. Daily reading and writing opportunities are still essential and we hope you find time in your day for your children to read independently or read along with you. Checking in on SeeSaw adding your own comments, feedback or sharing experiences is our only way of gauging the reactions to the learning being sent out and is important for our teacher’s. Please make the effort to participate in our learning community and where possible post back to SeeSaw
Wellbeing is still our most important focus in these unusual times. Again we remind families to have fun and not force learning. If children are struggling in adapting to the changes just have fun together and make the most of this extra family time. Please keep in touch with the class via seesaw and share your daily activities and experiences so we can continue to celebrate being a community and share your ideas and success.
The Ministry continues to send regular updates and have hinted that we may be able to have some form of face to face schooling on April 29th at the earliest. This will be dependent on many requirements being met and will look different region to region. We expect further details later in the week.
While our main form of communication will be through SeeSaw if you need to email teachers the structure is and my email is